Thursday, March 3, 2011


One of my bestest girlfriends called me the other day. When I picked up the phone instead of saying hi I whined….I wish my husband was here. She immediately said oh my god! What’s wrong?! She knew, it was bad. As a Navy wife I’ve learned how to manage just about every possible situation, alone. But on that day I felt defeated. I was on day 7 of a stomach virus in our home and on that fateful day it hit me. I spent all day between the bathroom and the couch. I had no choice but to let my 2 toddler boys destroy the house. I think around lunch time I threw them a few fish sticks. It’s still fuzzy as to whether I cooked them or not. There was one point that I remember empty sippies being thrown at my back as my head was in the toilet. I was never so happy to see 20:00 come around….bedtime! Thank God by the next morning it had run its course with me and I was able to stand up to my two toddlers and fight another day. I have experienced pregnancy, birth, missed anniversaries, birthdays and holidays without my husband but the stomach flu, that was my tipping point. That experience just proved that God never gives you more than you can handle. As the stomach flu makes its visit to other military families just know, you will make it through this too!