Thursday, March 3, 2011


One of my bestest girlfriends called me the other day. When I picked up the phone instead of saying hi I whined….I wish my husband was here. She immediately said oh my god! What’s wrong?! She knew, it was bad. As a Navy wife I’ve learned how to manage just about every possible situation, alone. But on that day I felt defeated. I was on day 7 of a stomach virus in our home and on that fateful day it hit me. I spent all day between the bathroom and the couch. I had no choice but to let my 2 toddler boys destroy the house. I think around lunch time I threw them a few fish sticks. It’s still fuzzy as to whether I cooked them or not. There was one point that I remember empty sippies being thrown at my back as my head was in the toilet. I was never so happy to see 20:00 come around….bedtime! Thank God by the next morning it had run its course with me and I was able to stand up to my two toddlers and fight another day. I have experienced pregnancy, birth, missed anniversaries, birthdays and holidays without my husband but the stomach flu, that was my tipping point. That experience just proved that God never gives you more than you can handle. As the stomach flu makes its visit to other military families just know, you will make it through this too!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Settled Down

My hubby is finally settled into his new duty station, about a 1,000 miles away from us. So here I am at home with the 3 boys....alone. I have come to understand the exorbent cost of daycares after being home with the kids. I want to charge my husband $800.00 a month per child for taking care of them. Luckily our oldest is in school so that leaves me with the toddlers; Monkey see and Monkey do. I want to write the producers at Bravo TV and explain to them what a real housewife is. Maybe I'm doing something wrong because I'm not spending my days at the salon or having lunch dates with girlfriends. My lunch dates consist of drive thru McDonald's with the kids in between BJ's and the grocery store. Yesterday we tearfully sent my husband back to DC after a long weekend home to celebrate the toddlers birthday. Our going away gift to him was the stomach bug. Last Thursday I spent the day in the ER with our oldest for dehydration and gastrointeritis. That was fun. I don't recommend spending a day in the ER anyway but when you add 2 toddlers to the equation it can easily turn into a nightmare. The upside is the staff was eager to get us discharged. Just as we settled into the car to leave I turn around to see the youngest vomiting in his car seat. So fast foward to Saturday...hubby comes in, we celebrate birthdays and have a great weekend. Monday morning comes around and so do the upset stomachs. So we send my husband off on a 2 hour plane ride with the stomach bug and here I stay with 3 kids and a stomach bug. Needless to say I will be postponing my day at the salon and my massage. The only rub down I'll be getting is wiping the vomit off of me.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Officially In

So I know it's been a few months since my first and last post. I constantly think about posting something but am usually distracted by a smell somewhere in the vicinity of one of my children. By the time I figure out who or what the smell is I have forgotten my last thought and move onto vacuuming or something. So my husband is officially "In". He is happily (I'm sure) 7 hours away from our daily chaos attending school for two months before heading out to his duty station. He usually calls every night right about the time I'm in the middle of fixing dinner and helping our oldest with his homework. And while I try to sound chipper and interested in his day I can't help but get annoyed sometimes. He's usually calling me on his way to a restaurant for dinner, has friends with him in the background and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have coffee stains down the front of his shirt from one of the kids. While I am in the kitchen tripping over 2 hungry toddlers, fixing a dinner that they will throw on the floor and yelling into the other room to our oldest who is whining about needing help with his homework. And my husband asks why I sound annoyed. I think he tries to down play his being away by saying that he misses everyone, he hates being in a hotel room and he's tired of eating out all of the time. Excuse me? But right about now that sounds pretty darn good to me! I bet he even gets to take a shower without someone barging in.
I attended my first official Navy function. The Navy Ball. I left my kids for the weekend with the grandparents and spent 7 glorious quiet hours in the car to drive up to see him. I have to admit, the ball was very exciting for me. I was able to dress up, do my hair and make up and not worry about any of the children spilling something on it. I got to sit down to eat dinner and didn't have to cut up any one's steak for them. Although I didn't get to enjoy any quiet time getting ready, my husband stood over me quizzing me about rank insignia. I tried to tell him I would just call everyone Sir but he said that wouldn't fly. I did pretty good during the quiz, I didn't stumble until the really high ranks. Luckily for me later in the night it wasn't an issue. This year the ball was at the Aviation Museum. It was very nice. A perfect backdrop for the event. Fortunately our biggest dilemma was he kept stepping on my gown and almost ripped it off of me. And he volunteered me to be an Ombudsman. I'll write about that once I figure it out. We had a wonderful time, met some great people. I look forward to next years. Well it's time to get the kids up from nap. My peace and quiet must end. Till next time....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Let the Journey Begin....But which way?

Let the journey begin...that used to be one of the slogans for the US Navy. Now apparently we are a Global Force for Global Good. I haven't always been a Navy wife and in some way I still don't feel like one. When my husband and I met he had just gotten out of the Navy. We moved cross country and started a life together. Then 9/11 happened. Just less than 2 years after he was officially out. So he decided to go back in, at least as a reservist. I said o.k. We moved back to the East Coast, had a baby, built a house and one weekend a month I stood in the driveway waving bye to my weekend warrior. My husband finished school received his Masters and said to me one day that he wanted to put in a commission package for Officer. I said o.k. My husband used to say to me that I needed to put more effort into learning about the Navy. I had no idea what the difference between the gold leaf or silver leaf was or even which kind of leaf it really was. My first greatest accomplishment was learning what the different color stickers meant. I quickly learned blue was Officer. My response to him was always that I was a part time Navy Wife and if he was a full time Naval Officer I would be a full time Navy Wife. I have recently come to eat those words. He has decided to go back to Active Duty Navy. I said o.k. Now three kids later another house and a dog I have to learn to be a full time Navy Wife. Which brings me to my title. The journey has begun but which way to I go? I have so much to learn, so much to do and so many questions. For instance, why is everything in the military an acronym? Isn't it just easier to say what you mean? By the time I figure out what the heck the acronym stands for I forgot what I was looking for. I no longer am identified by my name, I am identified by my husband's social security number and the name: Dependent. I am told that I can be found somewhere on a piece of paper called a Page 2. So if I'm page 2 who's page 1? I must have on me at ALL time's a card, known as the military ID that yes has my name on it but also my husbands social security number and the word dependent. And while I'm driving onto base trying to drown out the screams of my three children I must now dig through my wallet to present this to a very intimidating man in uniform with a side arm. No matter how many times I do this I still break out in a little sweat as I hold it up for him to see. My husband is such a natural Military man that he forgets to tell me the little details. For example, did you know that at exactly 0800 every day of every year you are to stop whatever it is your doing while on base? I learned that the hard way. Apparently it's colors, and even if your driving your expected to stop. That information would have been good to have ahead of time. I chalk it up to lessons learned. I have so many more to learn. Thank goodness for google!